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Connect Locally or Online

Benefits of Local Lessons
Convenience (In-Home)

Manage your time more effectively by cutting out the commute.

Familiar Environment for Kids (In-Home)

Young kids may be a bit nervous in a new setting. Taking lessons at home is comfortable and familiar.

Focus (Teacher Location)

It's easy to get distracted at home. Meeting at your teacher's location often cuts back on distractions so you can focus on learning.

Teaching Tools (Teacher Location)

Depending on what you're learning, the teacher's location may have access to better resources that wouldn't be available in your home.

Benefits of Online Lessons

No travel time for you or the teacher. Great for a busy schedule.


With online lessons, you can connect with any teacher, anywhere in the country. you can connect with any teacher, anywhere in the country.


Online lessons are typically priced lower than local in-person lessons typically priced lower than local in-person lessons


Our online students typically stick with their lessons longer than local students. students typically stick with their lessons longer than local students.